Memories: By Da Vinci & Monet Poem by Jim Yerman

Memories: By Da Vinci & Monet

I love da Vinci's Mona Lisa, I love to linger with her awhile
enjoying the beauty in her face, the elusiveness of her smile.

And from the first time I laid eyes on them I've loved the paintings of Monet.
I love the subjects, love the impressions, love the way the colors interplay.

I've often wondered as we go through life…if this is how memory unveils:
Initially brushed upon our minds like a da Vinci…in detail.

Then over time those fine details seem to blend a little everyday
until, as we grow older, we remember in Monet.

When we first make a memory…we remember it exactly as it appears
but slowly, imperceptibly, those details become less clear.

And the more experiences we add…the more new memories we overlay
before we know it our detailed da Vinci seems to look more like Monet.

But through the the wonder of our memory as these two painting styles converge
from within the impressions of our past…old details will emerge.

And we remember certain facts as if they happened yesterday
until they blend back to impression and gently fade away.

Perhaps it is this blending of the two that makes our memories last
and we are meant to find some small details in our impressions of the past.

Perhaps this is the essence of how we're designed to see
Perhaps this is the nature of art…
and the beauty of memory.

Friday, July 28, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: memories
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